Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Language of Flowers by Vanessa Diffenbaugh : Greatest Books of All Time

The Language of Flowers by
Vanessa Diffenbaugh

The Language of Flowers, Vanessa Diffenbaugh's debut novel, may be the most talked about publishing acquisition of 2011. Ballantine won it in a fiercely fought auction. It has already garnered countless pre-publication raves.

 Greatest Books of All Time : The Language of Flowers, by Vanessa Diffenbaugh

Eighteen and released from the foster care system, Victoria's adult life begins with the admonition, "Your life starts here. No one to blame but yourself from here on out." The chapters alternate between Victoria's life at this point and eight years earlier when love-starved Elizabeth adopts her. Their bond, which revolves around Elizabeth mentoring Victoria on the meaning of flowers, is touching. Although a sympathetic character, Victoria is persistently angry, suspicious and unable to relate to others. Victoria's discovery of a means of communication and self-worth through her garden is masterfully interwoven through the book.

Flowers convey many emotions and messages. Diffenbach's unique book projects honesty. Victoria's loyalty to the meaning of flowers is the one thing she holds true in her life. Her desire to gift their meaning into other people's lives is touching and honorable. It is refreshing to read a book that nourishes the soul and inspires trust in human resilience. The author communicates as creatively with words as her protagonist does with flowers. The Language of Flowers may be a serious contender for a New York Times best-seller list.
The author's guide describes diligent research into the meanings of flowers from Victorian times to the present. Diffenbaugh's experience as a foster mother lends credibility to her story. A great asset to the book is her appendix titled "Victoria's Dictionary of Flowers" and an author interview.

I thank LibraryThing's Early Reviewers Program for the advance review copy.

Holly Weiss is the author of a historical fiction novel, Crestmont, writer and reviewer of newly-released books.
Free reprint of article if entire bio is intact.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Holly_Weiss


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